« Concerto Natural »
Under this title Philo go presents an exhibition of photographic creations dedicated to Nature in its itimacy.
« Where does Philo go draw his energy ? Why do his images, whether drawn, painted or photographed halt us, absorbing and luring us in a universe of music and intimate nature. He unbridles our imagination treating us with his visual proposals inviting us, into suggested more than defined, imaginary lands. » (Art collective Pau.)
« Look a the Music ! »
A Philo go exhibition dedicated to music.
« Though foremost a plastic artist, Sound, Music, Voice and Songs have often been natural artistic creations intergrated in my way of life. Very early on they became sources of inspiration.
Music, in its largest sense, has invited itself into my personal and professional universe. Nature, society and artistic heritage contribute equally to the wealth of my sources of inspiration. » (Philo go)
The international plastic artist born in Moutier presents two surprising exhibitions in the spring of 2019 in his homeland.
Two artistic events in resonance :
Prévôtois Cultural Center- Galerie du Passage, Moutier - CH
May 17th to June 16th 2019
FARB Galery, Delémont – CH
April 26th to June 2nd 2019